What the sock are you up to?
At 1 am on a Friday night- when I am strangely home and even more strangely sober … serendipity… I had an interesting thought. I am packing away my socks (for my imminent move) and culling all the mismatched ones to realise that socks do not disappear into a black hole generated by the friction of the spin cycle. No Steven Hawking rest assured… they actually get thrown in a mismatched pile, which gets larger and larger. You see when you do a batch of laundry it often happens that a pair of perfectly matching socks gets separated – so as you go to fold that batch you find yourself one sock short. As this process continues you eventually have a few mismatched socks. Instead of being patient and waiting for the perfect match to show up you may try to match similar socks perpetuating the mismatched sock syndrome. Until an entire bunch of socks is left alone all rolled up in one big clump and then thrown out …
………….And then it hit me- this is what happens to people! The same way we match up similar but not perfect socks, at a certain age people match themselves up with similar but not perfect matches (and when I say perfect I just mean the person you where meant to be … the other sock). Though you are happy with your not perfectly matching socks, and no one can tell they are not matching. You always feel a little uneasy, particularly when someone stares. The same way you try to avoid scrutiny in your “not so perfectly matching couple”.
The worst damage though is done when you actually find the matching sock- as you are already wearing the other non-matching you cannot do anything about it, just wish that you, like the matching sock had not given up. Then it really hits you- that in all this you chickened out and took the easy option. You may even think of yourself as unlucky… but the worst fate is that of the matching sock as it held out! It was hoping until the end just to see you walk by along side a mismatched sock! I mean in the end of the day you go home with warm feet!
So I hereby ask you people should I mismatch socks or hold out until all of them match?