A little indulgence
So I am updating my post from a grotty internet cafe (use the term loosely) in New Dehli! The city of lights where everything is possible. I saw the pits of poverty in Kolkata, where chidren and dogs fight over a bit of chepati- I saw the burning gate of Varanasi where a man with a shovel cracks the chest of a cadaver so the fire will take better, and a watched as people bath each morning in the ganges- following the strict hindu ritual, to end up in Dehli- which in comparison seem like tokyo! What a crazy ride it's been. It broke my heart and mended it 1000 times over- what a great crazy country!
I have chatted to PHD professors that had an obvious fascination with the west. I met ashanti owners that banked on their "guru" status in the eyes of western hippy twenty somethings, that are looking for answers. I listened to indian nationalsits that dislike all that is english, and smiled at teenagers that insisted on taking pictures with us. I waited for a sacred cow to move in order to cross the sreet, negociated to death with merchants - knowing full well I would still get overcharged at the end. I slept sorounded by snoring indian business men on a packed train- to wake up with someone's sock on my head. I had to tell a temple army guard exactly what a tampax is used for (he founded in my bag- and it does look like a cotton bullet...). I am slowly learniong all the names of bolly stars and starlets - and will soon be able to tell if the new or old Don is better.
I walked the excrement covered roads and rode on the immaculate pavements. I negociated with rich merchants and untouchable country girls.... and still there is soo much to see! I loved every second of it!
Everyone here smiles money or not sun or rain- it really does make one think. .. how lucky we are to be alive right now in this crazy world.