Following 30 years of bad decisions, stupid choices and poor judgment calls I have decided I am not equipped with the necessary maturity, logic and foresight to make my own decisions. I hereby revoke my own privilege of making any important decisions with regards to my future and well-being. I hand over this privilege to you, the masses. I POST YOU DECIDE, I OBEY. simple...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


This is usually a cheery and positive space but one in a while you need to balance it out with a bit of sheer negativity, just to remind ourselves how good it feels to be nice. So, here it goes this is my hate parade- the things I hate and I encourage you all to join me and add yours so we can create a comprehensive hate list of all the little petty hates we all have.

1. People that laugh at their own jokes: say a joke and as soon as they are done laugh
2. Airplane rules- sleep when we tell you, eat when we tell you
3. Child safety caps
4. People that say rude things in a polite way "could you PLEASE open that"
5. Nasty bus drivers
6. Ex boyfriends that do really well after they dump you
7. people that chew with their mouth open
8. Instruction manuals
9. Coriander when you do not expect it (I am getting used to that one)
10. When you ask someone to play an band and they play the least famous song (e.g. do you have coldplay and they play a home recorded coldplay song they taped at a uni gig before coldplay were famous---aaaaarrrrrrggg!)



At 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Coming second.

At 6:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

faraz- very very funny! I may add another one: Dried fruit in savory food....

At 4:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my hate parade is endless!!
here's the top five:

1.when you're on a packed subway craving for a seat because you spent all day running, and finally someone leaves his seat but suddenly there's this jerk who swoops in from behind and takes the empty seat right 5before your eyes...

2. waking up finding out you're short of milk (this one really freaks me out!!)

3. smile-free waitresses/waiters

4. tv commercials about tampons

5. realising that everything you have worn last summer is too small or is unfit

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Says She said...

I would NEVER miss a hate parade! First things first have had the EXACT same coriander experience.

I would add to this when people say things to you that they know you couldn't poss know and say it like welll you knoooow how yadadada...

also basically anything to do with spit but especially when people speak with spit on their lips and they don't know and you can't tell them and they don't know but you gotta make eye contact anyway.

Also have patience with us joke laughter premature ejaculators it's biolagical man xo

At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

realising that everything you did and said over the past 18months was a shovel that just happened to make the hole you were standing in deeper and deeper....and despite logic you continued to dig ..thinking that some how you could make it back above ground, you may see daylight again...and then you hit a water pipe causing the hole to start filling up with water .....and your shoes are now wet.....that is what should be number 1.....not some petty gripes about safety caps and ex boyfriends that you know you are better off without ....shovels should be number 1

At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

realising that everything you did and said over the past 18months was a shovel that just happened to make the hole you were standing in deeper and deeper....and despite logic you continued to dig ..thinking that some how you could make it back above ground, you may see daylight again...and then you hit a water pipe causing the hole to start filling up with water .....and your shoes are now wet.....that is what should be number 1.....not some petty gripes about safety caps and ex boyfriends that you know you are better off without ....shovels should be number 1

At 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i also laughat my own jokes....atleast then someone thinks i am funny

At 2:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! shovel boy/girl- feel your pain.

At 3:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh oh
high fives in work environment must be on there too

At 6:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the hole fills with water, you can (a) swim to the top and climb out, or (b) drown and die. The water can be good/bad depending how you use it.

But seriously, sultanas in supermarket boil in the bag curries - which idiot came up with that idea?

At 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way american (Customs) officials say "Sir" when they really mean "asshole".

Though of course, its great fun when you use it back on them.


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