Following 30 years of bad decisions, stupid choices and poor judgment calls I have decided I am not equipped with the necessary maturity, logic and foresight to make my own decisions. I hereby revoke my own privilege of making any important decisions with regards to my future and well-being. I hand over this privilege to you, the masses. I POST YOU DECIDE, I OBEY. simple...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Ok there is someone out there that hates me, and actually spends time reading my blog! I keep on reading rather nasty comments. Mr or Mrs Evil could you make yourself known, and tell me what I’ve done to you.

All in all, the people I had disagreements with are: Francesca in my high school class- but she probably ignores my existence as she is living a rather glam lifestyle, Tulika (always in school) but it was her telling me that my parents did not have her family’s moral values thus she could not hang out with me (ouch that hurt) and there was a boy I met in Japan, whom I may have hurt. For the boy I apologise, because he was rather sensitive and I was in an odd place and I should not have been so odd with him. Having said that, I got mine back by the inevitable rule of what goes around comes around, so he should feel satisfied.

If there is anyone else- please let me know whom you are and what I did to you- I really do not like hurting people- will apologise or mate it up to you- promise!

Monday, June 26, 2006


I fucked up! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck #!~#!


It’s been a mad few days in when everything went crazy, fate/god/ Allah (or whoever pulls the strings) took the rug I was standing on and pulled it really hard. The already frail state of affairs was tossed in the air and I am a terrible at catching things in mid-air. So, had it not been for a few good friends over the phone and face-to-face I would have lost it. So this entry is dedicated to them and to closure.

It’s funny sometimes you wonder what you are doing right to be surrounded by so many great people, because I know I have a crap character, yet the do not seem to flee. So this one is to them and to their rock hard nerves, immense patience and ability to interpret and understand even when I cannot bring myself to utter the words…

Some say life is a winding road, others call it a circus… for me life is a gypsy caravan… and I am glad all my friends joined mine.

A big kiss to all I really love you !

Thursday, June 22, 2006


This list is a list of repentance and self-flagellation. For the first time in human history I will admit to something that women everywhere have denied for centuries and that men have always suspected…YES men we girls do very dumb, irrational, emotional and at times hysterical things during our PMS. The scary bit it that it gets worst with age!

So here it goes dumbest things I have done on PMS:

1. Cried at every fucking long distance commercial, actually cried at any mildly emotional commercial

2. Called up a long lost high school fling- whose name I partially recalled, to make sure he still loved me

3. Screamed at someone for being too ______ (you fill in the gap)

4. Bought a catsuit (I am hardly 160 cm and not blessed with model physique)

5. Did something stupid, actually it was someone stupid…ooops

6. Gave myself a retarded hair colour that was initially too blond so covered it up with black. Final result green/orange

7. Managed to pick a fight with my boyfriend for being too "on time". I actually thought I could win that one…

… Shit! I should be on medication

8. Bought a plane ticket (leaving 10 hours later) to see a man that dumped me …

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


So you get to a point in life when you feel at ease. Yes, my tormented twenty-somethings, nirvana is near. You come to a point in your life when you realise the answer is “there is no answer” and you are actually ok with it. Your little or large grey matter computes that accepts it and actually stops tormenting you. In some cases you even come up with a set of rules that will govern your life and that you foolishly think make the world a better place or even secretly guide it... like karma and always being happy makes good things happen to you… pay it forward. You would never admit it to your cynical, yet closet positive thinking, friends but in your sweet teenage (yet thirty something) heart you actually believe this! Then life throws you a fastball one of those ones that hits you in the stomach and prevents you from eating for a few days (which is good for your waisteline but bad for the soul).

And all the card castles that you had built on the shaky foundations of your made up principles and rules comes flapping down like a sick pigeon. And you are left there like a babbling drunken idiot thinking … well you don’t even know what

Thursday, June 15, 2006


I know it’s been done and you are all probably thinking of the obvious ways to terrify the young and inexperienced boys. Inexperienced, because lets face it no matter how old, nor how many girlfriends he had a boy will always be a boy thus inexperienced. Girls may lead them to believe that girls are the weaker sex through clumsy behaviour, ditsy comments and silly giggles but girls know the truth. Behind every pair of puppy eyes, behind each baby ogling, sweet smiling airhead there is a master of the hunt. Fine tuned instincts, scheming mind and an infinite drive which allows us girls to willingly use all tricks in the book- nothing too low nor to dishonest…. As long as you (boys) feel in control, see yourselves as protectors and more importantly see us as innocent- because let’s face it we are all, on some level attracted to innocence.

But back to us and scaring boys (BTW- did that do it?) here are my top ways of scaring boys please ADD TO THEM, But let’s avoid the cheap short cuts such as I am pregs and similar:

1. Carry around a baby scrap book- for the child you will have

2. Have a life size cardboard cut out of yourself in your room and complimented extensively in the third person when asked about it such as “Isn’t she beautiful?”

3. Show up to the first date really really plastered/drunk… I mean falling off your chair pissed

4. When on the date refer to how his height/haircut/build will affect your wedding pictures “ you are a bit too tall, it will not look great in wedding pictures”

5. When you see a boy (even better if he is with his girlfriend) go up to him and say hi. Once he looks at you, puzzled ask him if he remembers you. As he gets more uncomfortable say “oh, maybe this will help” turn around – stick your butt out and whilst slapping it pretend you are being done doggy style then add: “still nothing- you were holding my hair like a pony tail…well never mind- must happen to you all the time” and walk away

6. When you are making out with a boy ask him if you can call him by a different name (e.g. BOB). He will eventually ask you who BOB, either before or after making out- at which point you reply “Bob is my dad’s name”

How else could you scare a boy?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


This is usually a cheery and positive space but one in a while you need to balance it out with a bit of sheer negativity, just to remind ourselves how good it feels to be nice. So, here it goes this is my hate parade- the things I hate and I encourage you all to join me and add yours so we can create a comprehensive hate list of all the little petty hates we all have.

1. People that laugh at their own jokes: say a joke and as soon as they are done laugh
2. Airplane rules- sleep when we tell you, eat when we tell you
3. Child safety caps
4. People that say rude things in a polite way "could you PLEASE open that"
5. Nasty bus drivers
6. Ex boyfriends that do really well after they dump you
7. people that chew with their mouth open
8. Instruction manuals
9. Coriander when you do not expect it (I am getting used to that one)
10. When you ask someone to play an band and they play the least famous song (e.g. do you have coldplay and they play a home recorded coldplay song they taped at a uni gig before coldplay were famous---aaaaarrrrrrggg!)